The forthcoming African Union extraordinary summit on maritime security and development makes it opportune for WAPSN to present this excellent resource for those researching piracy and more generally maritime security.…
Tag: African Union
Countdown to the AU Summit on maritime security and development in Lomé
The aim of the Lomé Conference is to make maritime space the key driver of Africa’s economic and social development. The Heads of State and Government of the 54 countries…
Cap sur la Charte de Lomé: l’ONU se penche sur la sécurité maritime dans le Golf de Guinée
Le Conseil de sécurité a organisé le 25 avril dernier un débat de haut niveau consacré à la piraterie et vols à main armée en mer dans le Golfe de Guinée. Un…
Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea debated in Portsmouth
Professor Tony Chafer, Director of the University of Portsmouth, Centre for European and International Studies Research, welcomed guests to the inaugural maritime security conference organised as part of the West Africa…