This is the latest insightful analysis exploring France’s involvement in the Sahel region jointly produced by Tony Chafer (University of Portsmouth) and Gordon Cumming (Cardiff University). “France is presenting its…
Author: WAPSN
New publication on France’s military intervention in the Sahel region
We are delighted to publicize this article on France’s military intervention which was recently published in the Journal of Strategic Studies as the fruit of collaboration between Prof. Tony Chafer…
Third WAPSN Symposium in association with the Centre FrancoPaix kicks off in Montréal
The Centre FrancoPaix in conflict resolution and peace missions of the Chaire Raoul-Durand and the West Africa Peace and Security Network are delighted to have cooperated to convene the 3rd…
Taking the network forward with a logo
The WAPSN team is proud to present the brand new logo of our Network which will be used from now on to enhance the visibility of our activities. Forward and…
AFSEC17. African Security Summit: advancing pan-African Maritime Security
At the forthcoming AFSEC conference in Casablanca in May (30-31), we will be sharing pan-African Maritime case studies looking at securing the seas. The lessons of both East and West Africa will…
Barkhane: la régionalisaton comme modèle pour l’avenir des interventions en Afrique
Emmanuel Goffi – Depuis 2013, la France est présente au Mali et dans la bande sahélo-saharienne (BSS) pour participer à la fois à la résolution de la crise malienne et…
L’Union Africaine adopte la Charte de Lomé: un sommet en trompe l’œil?
Silué N’Tchabétien Oumar – Le samedi 15 octobre 2016, à Lomé au Togo, s’est tenu le sommet extraordinaire des chefs d’État de l’Union africaine (UA) sur la sûreté et la…
Rapport FrancoPaix: Quels futurs pour le maintien de la paix et la gouvernance sécuritaire en Afrique? Ordre, violence et légitimité
Rapport d’analyse du Centre FrancoPaix – En juin 2015, le Groupe indépendant de haut niveau chargé d’étudier les opérations de paix remettait son rapport au secrétaire général des Nations unies… – The research portal for the study of contemporary piracy and maritime security
The forthcoming African Union extraordinary summit on maritime security and development makes it opportune for WAPSN to present this excellent resource for those researching piracy and more generally maritime security.…